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10DLC Is Here, But So Are We: The GetThru Advantage

Regulations change, but our support for our clients is stronger than ever. Read on to learn more about how we’re delivering on deliverability in a post-10DLC world.

Cat Allen

Marketing Manager

In the last year, one acronym has shifted the way many campaigns and organizations think about their peer-to-peer outreach — 10DLC, or 10 Digit Long Code. At GetThru, we’ve kept a close eye on what these regulatory shifts mean for us, our industry, and most importantly, our clients!

10DLC is here.

Carriers have announced that as of March 1, 2022 any traffic not registered via the 10DLC system will incur increased surcharges and be delivered more slowly.  

Because of this, GetThru will now require all traffic to be fully 10DLC registered as of February 14, 2022.

To send messages via ThruText after February 14, 2022,  clients must: 

  1. Register your brand with The Campaign Registry, 
  2. Register use cases with The Campaign Registry, and then
  3. Apply one of your registered use cases to any future GetThru texting campaigns  

We’re making this decision for two reasons. Getting your message to their intended recipients is our number one concern, and registered traffic will get delivered faster and more reliably. In addition, GetThru currently incurs the 10DLC carrier fees on behalf of our clients. Those fees are substantial as is, and we cannot afford to pay increased fees for unregistered traffic.   

GetThru is ready and well-positioned to help you.

As 10DLC has developed, we have educated our clients about these developments as they happen, solicited their input and feedback, and made guiding our clients toward 10DLC compliance part of our inclusive Support and Client Success offerings. We know the importance of the work that more than 2,000 of our clients do every day to send texts for the progressive movement, advocacy, and education, so we’ve made compliance as painless as possible while ensuring continued exemplary deliverability of messages.

And, it’s working. To date, more than 800 organizations, including some of the country’s largest voter advocacy, civil rights advocacy, and public universities, have completed both Brand and Use Case Registration with the help of our Support and Client Success teams and have resumed their work as normal, with no decrease in their deliverability.  

What You Can Do

After February 14th, we will only send traffic with a Brand and Use Case Registration. Here’s some helpful information to assess what next steps, if any, you’ll need to take.

For Current Clients:

If your Brand and Use Case Registration is already completed and verified, all you need to do is begin selecting a use case for each ThruText campaign you create after February 14th. You can start today!

If you’ve not yet completed Brand and Use Case Registration, the Account Owner on your account must complete these steps prior to February 14th to continue texting from your ThruText account.

For Prospective Clients:
While carriers require 10DLC compliance from every text messaging provider, not all compliance assistance and client service is created equal. We have worked hard to ensure our team and our tools are bearing the brunt of this critical compliance work so that our clients need only focus on the success of their organization’s efforts. If you have questions about 10DLC and want to see our tools in action to understand better how peer-to-peer outreach can help you authentically connect with your audience at scale, our Sales team would be thrilled to connect with you.


Cat Allen

Cat joined the GetThru Team to merge her professional background in advertising and brand strategy with her personal passion of organizing for progressive causes and candidates. Cat is based in Memphis, TN, and when she isn't organizing around local and state issues, she's raising one pretty exceptional daughter, cooking, painting, and petting all the dogs.

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